OK, so I am leaving for Europe on Sunday and will be gone for a month. The more I think about it, the more my 'Things to Do' list grows. I have my passport set aside, something I learned to do years ago when I missed out on a trip to China because I could not find my documents. I do need to make copies in case I get 'held up' in somewhere, let's say Amsterdam. I have quite a bit of cash that I need to deposit in the bank. I found that it is much easier to pull out wads of cash in the ATM's overseas than deal with traveler's checks. Especially when I will be dealing with different currencies: the Euro in Amsterdam, Munich, and Ireland, the Czech Koruna in Prague, then whatever they use in Hungary and Croatia. I can't remember off the top of my head. Although, I think my computer just got hacked and forced me to buy anti-virus software in order to work again. I purchased Windows Live Support software, that I trust, but the contact information is for cougar.com!? Hmmmm. I need to locate my traveler's electricity converter kit, which is somewhere in the mess in the garage. Oh, and I purchased a Blackberry Bold last year with the sole purpose being international travel. Now I need to stop by the Sprint store to have the service turned on. Not planning on making very many phone calls, but I'm not sure how I'll survive without being able to post on Facebook, or now, my blog. I wonder how expensive an international text is, or say, 100 international texts?
Then, there is my house - basically, it's a disaster. Don't have much time for cleaning during the school year. That's a lie, I just don't have the desire. I need to clean the house from top to bottom because that will make the return so much nicer. This includes folding 4 loads of laundry, washing the bedsheets, vacuuming, dusting, and washing the dishes in the sink (sorry Mom). I have a 19 lb. cat, Trouble. He was a present from one of my 1st grade students 8 years ago. He's not the friendliest cat, so, it's hard to find someone to take care of him. I think that's put in order. I owe a HUGE thank you, but I'm sure I'll have to pay for it when I get back!! I've got some clothes set aside for the trip. I'm only taking a carry-on, so I have to pack smart. Think I would do best picking up a new dress or two for the trip! And of course, the all-important fresh pedicure. Think I'll check that one of my list first!
Pedicure done - Color of choice - Vampsterdam!!